Hassle-free Aged Care Laundry Services

How to Choose the Right Laundry Service for Your Aged Care Residents

Providing professional laundry services is a key responsibility for aged care homes to protect resident health. With elderly individuals being more susceptible to pathogens, having clean garments and linens is imperative. Choosing the right laundry service for your aged care facility is an important decision.

Here are key factors to look for when selecting an aged care laundry provider:

Industry Experience

Look for an established laundry with extensive experience servicing the aged care sector specifically. They should understand the unique needs, challenges, and responsibilities involved. Experience translates to proper processes being in place.

Tailored Services

The provider should offer flexible programs tailored for aged care versus one-size-fits-all services. This includes the ability to schedule more frequent pickups and deliveries to accommodate higher laundry volume. Customised wash processes focusing on sanitation are ideal.

Quality Products

They should supply high-quality linens and garments suited for frequent washing and repeated wear. Items like soft, durable sheets, wrinkle-resistant clothing, and absorbent towels specially designed for aged care make a difference.

Specialist Washing Programs

Confirm they utilize disinfection wash processes to thoroughly clean soiled aged care items. This should involve tailored chemical concentrations, wash durations, temperatures, and rinsing. Rigorous cleaning is a must for vulnerable individuals.

Staff Training

The provider’s staff should complete compulsory training on laundry best practices for aged care. Proper hygiene protocols to avoid cross-contamination are a must. Ongoing education demonstrates a commitment to performance.

Compliance and Certification

The laundry service should adhere to all state regulations and hold current accreditations related to health and community services. This demonstrates safety, quality, and accountability. Request copies of their certifications.

Quality Assurance Testing

They should perform periodic testing to verify wash processes are achieving proper chemical dosing, cleansing results, pH balance, and other metrics. Regular audits ensure consistent quality.

Reference Checks

Request references from aged care homes currently using the company’s services. Contact them to hear firsthand experiences and get candid insight on performance and reliability.


Schedule an on-site tour of the laundry facility when possible to observe operations. Seeing their protocols in place and speaking with staff provides helpful insights.

Proper laundry sanitation is imperative for aged care facilities and residents. Partnering with a specialist aged care laundry service like Holy Cross Laundry provides peace of mind that all garments and linens are hygienically cleaned. Our aged care laundry solutions are designed to accommodate higher volumes while upholding the highest standards of infection control. Contact us today to learn more about our services.